Author: A Food Expert Guy
•2:58 AM

Nepal is also famouse for Himalayan herbs and herbal products and medicinal herbs.Himalayan Region of Nepal is home to about 3500 species of herbs and aromatic plants. Many rare and endangered himalayan herbs are found in higher altitudes of Nepal hilly regions.Even rare himalayan herbs are commonn in higher evalutation. Most of these herbal plants grow naturally in its forests and meadows between altitudes of 225 ft to19,000 ft . Several hundreds of these himalayan herbs have been used for centuries as ayurvedic treatments, and are increasingly exported worldwide.This physical diversity of Nepal allows sub tropical, temperate and alpine vegetation to all flourish in this small country making it a good source for a big variety of natural biologicals. Many of these herbs and aromatic plants are very specific to the Himalayan Region and have high medicinal, culinary and cosmetic values. The quality of these natural herbal products from this Himalayan region is even reflected in the Vedas and other religious scriptures as the area where ancient sages and hermits sourced their herbal requirements from.

The use of medicinal herbs spices and natural oils have been a way of life for us Nepalese since ages. The abundance these himalayan herbs in Nepal to this day is a testimony of our harmonious relation with nature. Because these himalayan herbs are accepted for their medicinal values and becoming more widespread. These herbs have always been steady source for non farm income. The continuous export of these products to our traditional knowledgeable buyers in India and China since decades.Even tody, Nepalese herbs are in high demand, especially those, which are used in making traditional medicines
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